Deserved reward of Pedagogics Knight

Congratulations to Vadim Leonidovich Manakin for winning the Order "For Merit» of Third Degree. There are people who are bright and luminous as the sun. There are the long-awaited, simple and pleasant as the first spring flowers. They know how to enjoy every blade of grass, unselfishly give their light to others, and create attractive aura of optimism and joy of life around themselves. Their smile and good words heal better than any medicine, communication with them - a mixture from callousness and despondency. The knowledge of genius people serves to humanity and progress. They make discoveries and can describe complex processes using scientific phenomena.

There are people who are born teachers. Their great mission is bringing up future scientists, analysts, engineers, and doctors. There are people-batteries. They are always cheerful, energetic, and fit. Their charge feeds others, and their self-discipline is an example of fortitude.

But it’s real rarity to meet one person with all these qualities! Everyone who meets Vadim Leonidovich Manakin can say: all this about him. He's a teacher awakening sincere interest to the complex science of physics. Besides, he is a talented mentor specifying the right direction of life to his students. Moreover, he is a connoisseur of wise aphorisms, smart companion, and faithful friend to many generations of students.

Congratulations to Vladislava Igorevna Marsakova for the honorary title “Honored Worker of Ukraine Education”. Our colleague is an associate professor of astronomy at Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University. Vladislava Igorevna Marsakova is head of "star" club in Richelieu Lyceum. In fact, under her leadership a lot of new "stars" ignited in the horizon of Odessa science - they are your students and followers.

Thanks A.V.Sokolova for photo.

Olga Dobrynina