
Елена Александровна Бурлака

Congratulations to Svetlana Yurevna Guseva with a new spring sunny-year life! Let it be happy and prosperous, full of pleasant surprises and gifts of fate, the bright and cheerful! Let your open friendly smile and perky playful sparks in the eyes continue to please everyone around you, and kindness, love of children and the ease of communication with you expand your circle of friends and admirers.

Your bright name is very suitable for you! Stay the same radiant, sparkling and feminine. This is a very rare gift - to transform the world with their presence!

Road test

Just a few days and summer will come into own. The lessons will finish, but lyceum life won’t freeze. It just moves to other places. For example, it is the rocky shores of the Southern Bug, where will pass Ecological Expedition of Richelieu Lyceum. The kids have to go through more than a dozen kilometers with a backpack. Expedition organizers hold annual test campaign. First of all, road test is organized for preparing those who are participated the first time in EERL. Organizers teach beginners to travel long distances, well backpacking, quickly expand and collapse the tent camp. By the way, EERL veterans are happy to participate in such test campaign.

English Mathematical Battle

Banach-Tarski Paradoxes, Monty Hall Paradoxes, The Graph Theory, The Game Theory, Prime Numbers, squaring of the circle, trisection of the angle and Infinity in Mathematics were complex but highly entertaining mathematical problems. It all was discussed in English by Richelieu Lyceum students.

They not just discussed, but took part in the competition. English Mathematical Battle gathered 8 teams of curious lyceum students. Who is the strongest? Watch in the RL-TV report!

Pride of Richelieu Lyceum

The Lyceum Pride Award was held in the Richelieu Lyceum. The award was established by lyceum administration for encouraging achievement of lyceum students and their teachers. So, student’s achievements are really great!

There are 75 winners of regional Olympiads, 11 winners of the Ukrainian Subject Olympiads, the first place in the Ukrainian competition "Intel-Eco", and the awards of Ukraine Junior Academy of Sciences.You can see photoreport of Andrei Sokolov here.

Angel Wings Return

The theatrical performance Angel Wings Return was presented in the Assembly Hall of Richelieu Lyceum on April, 28. The performance was staged by forces of lyceum students. Author and director of the performance was Andrei Yurevich Gavrilov. In the performance taken part lyceum students of 7th Chemical and Biological Class, 8th Chemical and Biological Class, 9th Physical class, 9th Chemical and Biological Class, 10th Chemical and Biological Class, 10 Physical Class, and 10th Mathematical Class.You can watch the video of the performance made by Pavel Andreyevich Victor.