Interesting meeting №2. Lyceum chronicle

We bring you next issue the project "Interesting meetings". The second program completes the theme of RL formation. Spectacular reminiscences are divided Vorohaeva Vera - the ex-Assistant Director of RL, and Sergei Koleboshin - student and then RL teacher. The next issue of the project "Interesting meetings" will be devoted to new technologies in education. We invite all interested persons to discussions in the comments for identifying the most relevant topics and speakers, whose opinion you would be interested to hear.

Expedition rehearsal

The Fourth Cycle Expedition will be held to castles and fortresses of the Podoliya in the second half of July. The composition of the expedition consists of the guys who have successfully drove Sota and showed excellent physical preparation. The expedition will lasting among eight days, and its path won’t lain on the asphalt. How do you feel spending a whole day in the saddle, reeling kilometers on the road, to carry with you on the trunk a heavy backpack, to prepare meals in the field, to sleep in a tent, and the next day on the road again? The boys took part in a two-day cycling trip length of 110 kilometers for all this is to try to test by themselves on May 7-8.

Victory day: We remember, honor, and proud!

Songs and poems about the Great Victory, Military Personnel Chronicle and poignant fragments of feature films, the wall newspaper with the front picture family of teachers and students, laying flowers at the monument to soldiers-winners and celebration of veterans - as celebrated Victory Day in Richelieu Lyceum.

The celebration started here a few days before the calendar date and continued afterwards. You can watch thr details in this video.

Angel Wings Return

Two young angels expelled from paradise to earth. They staged a noisy party in heaven. Now the wings are folded on a celestial stock and for the redemption of guilt are necessary to take patronage over the timid guy to fill his heart with love and life - happiness. This is not the plot of a science fiction novel. This is theatrical performance called "Second Wind" are staged by lyceum students. What is the end of the story? Watch in the RL-TV report! Congratulations to the actors and their mentor with the premiere. It was unforgettable!

Richelieu pioneers

Richelieu Lyceum first among the educational institutions not only in Odessa, but the whole Ukraine took part in The Purple Comet! Math Meet. The international competition includes assignments in mathematics in English. Participation in the competition is the opportunity to test not only knowledge of math and English, but also check the ability to work in teams, to properly allocate tasks among the participants. You can watch reporting on the RL-TV, in which kids tell about their experience of participation in this international competition.