100 km in 19 hours

The rattaralli was organized on April 9 to the Day of liberation of Odessa from fascist invaders. It is 100 km on the "Belt of Glory." As mentioned earlier, our lyceum students rode on bicycles “Sotka”, but the most courageous participants were 100 kilometers on foot! These guys are from the 10th Mathematical class. Their name is Maxim Botsulyak and Mark Chistyakov! They were able to overcome the hundred-kilometer distance in 19 hours! This is quite an impressive result and a very good experience for the young athletes. Sotka is the real test of willpower and fascinating pastime for most of them. We wish them further success! Keep it up! Photoreport is here!

Mysteries of the human genome

How deciphered the human genome? What possibility was opened up for Gene Therapy? Lyceum students plunged into the complex world of the Nucleotide Sequences. You can watch our recent RL-TV report about the online-lecture that held Julia Sitnikova for lyceum students. She graduated from RL Chemical and Biological Department in 1999. Juliu is PhD, Researcher (postdoc) at Harvard Medical School (in the rating of U.S. News&World Report consistently school holds first place). Julia is engaged in Genomics, so the theme of her lecture was, of course, the Human Genome and the peculiarities of its regulation.

RL: Schools Directors Seminar

The Richelieu Lyceum received guests. It was delegation of schools directors from Odessa region. In the framework of advanced training courses, the group of teachers and directors are invited to the best educational institutions of Odessa. They discussed the most relevant forms of modern education and exchanged of pedagogical experience.

The meeting was devoted to distance education and discussion about training forms of modern school. The administrative board of the Richelieu Lyceum has something to share on this subject. What has admired delegation of guests? You must look it in our plot.


The math lecture "How to order web pages on the Internet?" will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday 29 and 30 of March from 10 p.m. till 12 p.m.

Lectures are given by Sergey Nikolaevich Dashkovsky (Germany), Professor of Mathematics at Erfurtsky University of Applied Sciences (the graduator from mathematical class of the Richelieu Lyceum in 1991). The lecture will focus on the success of GOOGLE. In other word, the lecture about matrices, mathematical construction of the Internet, and ordering of web pages according to their importance. If we mathematically resolve this issue, we will be able to understand a secret of popularity of search engine.

Open Day of Richelieu Lyceum

Richelieu Lyceum with the support of Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University organizes natural sciences festival "Intellectual Marathon" for pupils of 5th - 6th grades. On April 10 we will wait for careful parents and capable children on the Open Day of one of the best educational institutions of Ukraine – Richelieu Lyceum. It will begin at 10 p.m.

The Open Day Program includes: the intramural stage of natural sciences festival "Intellectual Marathon"; summing up and rewarding the winners of Intellectual Marathon; presentation of the main specialized areas of the Lyceum. You can register online HEREBesides, you can check the list of the registered participants  HERE.